OurWorld Newssss

nooooooo Dx

Posted on: 28/03/2010

The updates are truly bad this time :'(

Bad News:

Mystery Box Prices are going UP!     ~Buy them now because after the updates, they’ll be 35 gems Dx

Random News:

Traffic Marketplace    ~Another way to get free gems, not really that safe ((as with the others))

Good News?:

Add doors to your condo!   ~You can add doors to lead to friends condos/islands

2 Responses to "nooooooo Dx"

gem code dessa semanaaaa

sorry what language are you speaking?

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OurWorld Gem Codes:

Weekly: BA4A-ECDA-F95B-9176
Monthly: C407-291C-27AC-3233

Access it from here if you have no toolbar: http://w02.ourworld.com/v11/track-toolbar1


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